Puppy planning - Voorjaar 2025
We verwachten hopelijk in het voorjaar 2025 pups van Zoë
Dit wordt een samenwerking met Fireforged Australian Shepherds in Zuid-Limburg, Nederland
De pups zullen in Nederland geboren worden
Voor meer informatie gelieve te mailen naar: info@fireforged-aussies.com of ofwoollyrocks@hotmail.com
We will hopefully expect pups from Zoë in early 2025.
This will be a collaboration with Fireforged Australian Shepherds in South Limburg, the Netherlands.
The pups will be born in the Netherlands.
For more information feel free to mail to info@fireforged-aussies.com or ofwoollyrocks@hotmail.com
We hebben puppypauze, we verwijzen jullie graag door naar andere fokkers met dezelfde visie en passie.
We have not litter plans, but we are more than happy to refer you to other breeders with the samen vision and passion.
We zijn erg trots op elk nest wat we gefokt hebben en zeer gelukkig dat elke pup hun perfecte huis heeft gevonden bij een liefdevolle familie. Bedankt, aan alle eigenaren, voor alles wat jullie met 'onze pups' doen!
We're very proud of every litter we've bred and very fortunate that every single pup found their perfect home with a loving family. Thank you to all the owners for everything you do with 'our puppies'!
Litter L - 02.05.2012
Litter M - 05.11.2013
Litter N - 27.02.2014
ASCA CH AKC GCH Legacy's Remington Steel x The Lady In Red Of Free Spirit JV-N ETD TD-ROM
Litter O1 - 10.04.2015
Litter O2 - 27.10.2015
Litter P - 30.05.2016
Litter Q1 - 12.03.2017
BE CH Some Kind Of Magic's Mister Jackman x Lilac Wine Of Woolly Rocks TST ETD
Litter Q2 - 23.06.2017
Litter T - 19.03.2020
CH Coolmoor's It's a Bull Market x BISS Dutch CH BeJCH Midnight At The Oasis Of Woolly Rocks ETD CCF1 TD-ROM TST
Litter U - 06.04.2021
Litter W1 - 27.07.2023
Litter W2 - 28.07.2023
Please don't forget the breeder
I knew from day one not every puppy could stay.
Preparing them for life took many hours each day.
I love every minute watching them develop and thrive.
Helping them discover the world fills me with pride
The weeks are numbered, never enough time.
I worry, even though I know te pups will be fine.
I trust you with this pup and hope you understand.
I handpicked you, and expect you'll follow the plan.
Continue to provide new experiences each day.
Never stop training your puppy, and always include play.
I will never forget my puppies and will always be here.
please provide them the best for the rest of their years.
No matter how long ago your baby was here.
Not staying in touch is my biggest fear.
'Author unknown'
Of Woolly Rocks Australian Shepherds | All pictures on our site are copyright of ''Of Woolly Rocks'' and may not be taken without our permission © l Webdesign: J.Foreman